martes, 27 de enero de 2009

Walking with Darwin

Hi from this cold and beuty place:
After two days of hard work, I could finally walk by the Severn seaside. Severn is the river that baths Shrewsbury, the village where Darwin was born.
Two things made different Darwin, one of them was curiosity. The other was to be able to see things in a diferent way. I hope, this year, can transmit all you this big idea: THINGS AREN'T LIKE TEACHERS TELL YOU. PLEASE, SEE THEM WITH YOUR OWN EYES, WITH YOUR OWN BIG BRAINS.

1 comentario:

  1. El comentario prefiero hacerlo en español ok?? La entrada no tiene nada que ver con la agricultura en Cartaya en!! jejeje. El texto es breve pero completo y tan pocas palabras te hacen reflexionar. Todos deberíamos ser un poco Darwin pero no es así desgraciadamente. Te haré caso y seguiré viendo las cosas con mis propios ojos.
